Our Mission & Philosophy

Mission Statement

Quarry Hill School is committed to providing a safe environment conducive to learning, cooperation, creative self-expression, social responsibility, mutual respect, teamwork, and community involvement for preschool and school-age children.

Director Su White living the Quarry Hill mission

Our Philosophy

At Quarry Hill School, we believe that quality early childhood education is essential to the health and well-being of society as a whole. A quality early childhood program promotes healthy, active, inspired, and problem-solving children. We are committed to nurturing and respecting each child as an individual and ensuring each child's mental, emotional, and physical safety. We strive to understand each child's learning style and to create appropriate challenges and learning opportunities. We want to promote social skills that enable children to communicate with others now and throughout their lives. We believe that all children have the right to be heard. We consider every new step important and worth celebrating. We believe that being alive and exploring the universe is fun and that fun is essential to constructive and positive learning.

We are guided by the notion that teaching through example and learning through discovery are the most honest and effective methods for reaching children. We know that teachers are responsible for working as team members and communicating ideas, feelings, and concerns. We believe that working through differences to reach consensus creates a strong and vibrant program.

We strive to promote the sense that everyone can be a lifelong learner. We encourage children to practice making responsible and creative choices within the framework of a daily routine. We encourage big hearts and peace.

We are committed to a community built on individual and family participation with an underlying sense of responsibility and caring.